Fashion Outlets of Chicago, Rosemont – location and store directory

Fashion Outlets of Chicago, Rosemont – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +1 847 928-75-00.

Opening hours

Mon – Sat: 10am – 9pm, Sun: 10am – 7pm

Fashion Outlets of Chicago shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Fashion Outlets of Chicago (Rosemont)Location: 5220 Fashion Outlets Way, Rosemont, IL+1 847 928-75-00Opening hours: Mon – Sat: 10am – 9pm, Sun: 10am – 7pm
17 stores  in Fashion Outlets of Chicago at

Fashion Outlets of Chicago official website

Fashion stores at Fashion Outlets of Chicago

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at Fashion Outlets of Chicago: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

American EagleAmerican Eagle Outfitters Factory Store1 stores in Rosemont+1 (847) 678-8060
Aeropostale1 stores in Rosemont+1 847 233-9650
Coach1 stores in Rosemont+1 (847) 671-1771
Levi’s1 stores in Rosemont+1 (847) 233-9480
Nike1 stores in Rosemont+1 (847) 928-2720
Michael Kors1 stores in Rosemont+1 847 678-9388
Banana Republic1 stores in Rosemont+1 847 928-14-75
Forever 211 stores in Rosemont+1 847 678-37-95
GapGap Outlet1 stores in Rosemont+1 847 233-94-23
Converse1 stores in Rosemont+1 (847) 678-7290
Nordstrom1 stores in Rosemont+1 847 349-6000
New York & Company1 stores in Rosemont+1 (847) 233 9232
Tommy Hilfiger1 stores in Rosemont+1 847 233-9742
Chico's1 stores in Rosemont+1 (847) 447-1071
The Children's Place1 stores in Rosemont+1 (847) 678-8036
Puma1 stores in Rosemont+1 (847) 678-8002
Under ArmourUnder Armour Outlet1 stores in Rosemont+1 847 678-77-59