Westfield Old Orchard, Skokie – location and store directory

Westfield Old Orchard, Skokie – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +1 847 673-68-00.

Opening hours

Mon – Sat: 10am – 9pm, Sun: 11am – 6pm

Westfield Old Orchard shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Westfield Old Orchard (Skokie)Location: 4905 Old Orchard Center, Skokie, IL+1 847 673-68-00Opening hours: Mon – Sat: 10am – 9pm, Sun: 11am – 6pm
13 stores  in Westfield Old Orchard at glocalabel.com

Westfield Old Orchard official website https://www.westfield.com/oldorchard

Fashion stores at Westfield Old Orchard

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at Westfield Old Orchard: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Zara1 stores in Skokie+1 847 329-08-08
Hollister1 stores in Skokie+1 847 329-0225
Michael Kors1 stores in Skokie+1 847 673-5600
Coach1 stores in Skokie+1 (847) 329-1772
Victoria's Secret1 stores in Skokie+1 847 673-28-42
Sephora1 stores in Skokie+1 (847) 568-0323
Gap2 stores in Skokie+1 847 673-35-29
GapGap Kids2 stores in Skokie+1 847 673-35-29
Banana Republic1 stores in Skokie+1 847 675-04-55
Nordstrom1 stores in Skokie+1 847 677-2121
Ann Taylor1 stores in Skokie+1 (847) 679-7370
Vans1 stores in Skokie+1 (847) 673-0628
Express1 stores in Skokie+1 (847) 568-0531