Royal Arcade, London – location and store directory

Royal Arcade, London – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Opening hours

Mon-Sat: 9am – 6pm, Sun: 10am – 5pm
Individual store opening times may vary

Royal Arcade shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Getting there:

By car
Sat Nav: W1S 4SL
NCP car park at Carrington Street, Sat Nav: W1J 7AF

By tube
Green Park station (Jubilee, Victoria or Piccadilly lines) is a 5-minute walk from the Royal Arcade.

By bus

Buses №№14, 19, 22, 38, N19, N22, N38 & N97 all stop at the Old Bond Street/Royal Academy stop on Piccadilly.

Royal Arcade (London)Location: 28 Old Bond St, 12 Albemarle Street, Mayfair, London W1S 4DR
2 stores  in Royal Arcade at

Royal Arcade official website

Fashion stores at Royal Arcade

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at Royal Arcade: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Paul Smith17 stores in London+44 20 3205 1135
Camper7 stores in London+44 20 7629 2722