thecentre:mk, Milton Keynes – location and store directory

thecentre:mk, Milton Keynes – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Opening hours

Mon – Fri: 9:30am – 8pm, Sat: 9am – 7pm, Sun: 11am – 5pm

thecentre:mk shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Getting there:

By car
Sat nav: MK9 3EP
From the M1, junction 14 or the A5, take the road marked H5 (A509) and follow signs to 'the centre mk central shopping'. thecentre:mk lies between Midsummer Boulevard and Silbury Boulevard, between Saxon Gate (V7) and Marlborough Gate.

By bus
Central Milton Keynes is served by a network of frequent bus services from all parts of the city. You can get off at the Point and the Food Centre, just outside the shopping centre.

By train
From Milton Keynes Rail Station, any bus service from stops Y1 to Y6 can be used to travel to the shopping centre. Buy a PLUSBUS ticket when buying your rail ticket to travel unlimited around Milton Keynes.

thecentre:mk (Milton Keynes)Location: 24 Silbury Blvd, Milton Keynes, MK9 3ESOpening hours: Mon – Fri: 9:30am – 8pm, Sat: 9am – 7pm, Sun: 11am – 5pm
66 stores  in thecentre:mk at

thecentre:mk official website

Fashion stores at thecentre:mk

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at thecentre:mk: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Pepperberry1 stores in Milton Keynes
Quiz1 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 233958
Scotts1 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 663865
Claire's2 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 666907
Clarks3 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 604283
Crystal Chain1 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 660268
Deichmann1 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 238886
Disney Store1 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 691300
Ernest Jones1 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 239578
H. Samuel1 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 558800
Fraser Hart1 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 668621
Goldsmiths1 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 393792
Hawes & Curtis1 stores in Milton Keynes01908 604185
TK Maxx1 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 692554
USC1 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 694811
Vision Express1 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 672267
Yours Clothing1 stores in Milton Keynes01908 677904
White Stuff1 stores in Milton Keynes+44 1908 667135